Realtor responds to NOBE Controversy

NOBEI first heard the term NOBE (pronounced No’ bē) a few months ago through an Emeryville news alert for this article. The recently produced video below (since removed by its creators) and accompanying website produced by local Realtors declaring the geographic area as “NOBE” ticked off some local publications and community organizations once again drawing the battle-lines of “Gentrification”.

Oakland Local recently published this article admonishing the term and a well-intentioned community organization called Phat Beets has further stoked these flames by implying that this neighborhood nickname is a subversive form of racism by comparing the Continue reading

Victory Burger: Open for Business

victory_burger_584pxV-Day was declared on November 23rd for burger lovers and the Golden Gate neighborhood (Or “NOBE“, or “3-Corners” … 😉 ) with the grand opening of Victory Burger. Actual Cafe’s Sal Bednarz’s Kickstarter Venture has come to life after a six-month fundraising campaign and construction effort. 369 “Backers” pledged over $25,000 to help Sal retrofit and decorate the adjacent space to his popular Actual Cafe. As a small contributor to this venture, I can’t tell you how gratifying it is to see a project come to life. Especially a project that contributes to the growing sense of community that Sal has played a big part of. Sal’s dedication and passion to his craft will ensure that this will be a success.

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