Realtor responds to NOBE Controversy

NOBEI first heard the term NOBE (pronounced No’ bē) a few months ago through an Emeryville news alert for this article. The recently produced video below (since removed by its creators) and accompanying website produced by local Realtors declaring the geographic area as “NOBE” ticked off some local publications and community organizations once again drawing the battle-lines of “Gentrification”.

Oakland Local recently published this article admonishing the term and a well-intentioned community organization called Phat Beets has further stoked these flames by implying that this neighborhood nickname is a subversive form of racism by comparing the Continue reading

Emeryville mud flat sculptures revisited | The Big Event

Photo: Jerry Telfer, SF Chronicle 1977

One of the most highly trafficked posts in this blog is actually a repost of an Emeryville Mudflat Sculptures article on SFGate. I guess it’s a testimony to the enduring memory and allure of these mysterious “Landmarks”. Credit San Francisco Chronicle “Pop culture critic” writer Peter Hartlaub (whom I actually worked with at our college newspaper) for helping keep the memory alive by unearthing these twenty great photos from the Chronicle photo morgue.

There’s also a fascinating pic in the lower Gallery that details a 1970 bombing of an Emeryville Doggie Diner that was targeted at the Emeryville Police Department. Apparently the 70’s were some wild times in E’Ville! | blog »

Photo: Greg Peterson, SF Chronicle 1970

Urban Wild Kingdom Part II

The second in a 3-part series by EWL resident J.R. Hampton

The next step was to live-trap the new cats and kittens.

Kitten "Kyle" in a Havahart Live Trap

I remembered J. Sr. talking about an agreement the City of Emeryville had with Piedmont Animal Control and how they had helped him trap and neuter the original colony started by Mama.

Every year Emeryville budgets a small amount for a Feral Cat Program to cover the costs of neutering the animals. It’s a forward thinking and compassionate program and it makes it easy for people to take action and do the right thing.

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